Selwyn Sports Centre
If you are a member of Selwyn Sports Centre you get a discounted rate for part of their Winter Wellness programme.
Everyone Welcome

Bella Fundraiser
This fundraising clinic is to help Bella attend the World Championships of The Performaing Arts held in L.A, USA in July this year.
Everyone Welcome

F45 Timaru
We will be at F45 doing the end of challenge scans. For everyone doing the challenge your scan is already booked in.
If you are not doing the challenge but just want to have a scan to see how you are progressing then book yourself in for a one off scan under the service Body Composition Scan. There will be some spaces available for non challenge. If nothing is available contact me to organise a booking.
You are paying for your both scans upfront at a discounted price. With this price there are no refunds if you choose not to do the final scan.
If you are not doing the challenge but still want to scan you can choose the one off scan under the service Body Composition Scan.
I will automatically book your appointment in for your end scan at the same time as your first.